12 Things You Should No Longer Be Ashamed Of


One of the biggest deathbed regrets people express is not living a life true to themselves. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the expectations other people have for you and your life, but it will always boil down to what you want to do with your life.

Embracing your unique self and loving that self is one of the most courageous things you can do. Don’t worry about what others think. As that ridiculously catchy Bon Jovi song goes…it’s your life. It’s now or never.


Trials and tribulation ultimately create experience and wisdom. There are a lot of bumps along the road of life, especially in the first couple of decades. Don’t let those minor bumps turn into mountains. There are going to be moments that you wish you can do over, but the power of hindsight is that you learn from your past mistakes.

As time goes on, you’ll be able to make better, more informed decisions, allowing you to create a happier and healthier life.


In her wildly hilarious memoir, Bossypants, Tina Fey references a laundry list of beauty standards forced on women, including Caucasian blue eyes, full Spanish lips, small Japanese feet, the arms of Michelle Obama, and much more.

Men and women are both subjected to this kind of social standard, and can often become ashamed of how their body looks, based on what other people think about it. Even if you try every cutting edge surgery or serum, no one can be a perfectly sculpted specimen. Give those strict beauty standards a kick to the curb and embrace your natural state, while aiming to be the best version of you.


From animal protein lovers to the vegans and beyond, people can be very sensitive about their food. Some people swear by their diets, while others jump from superfood to superfood trying to find their next nutritive fix.

Whatever it is you’re chowing down on, don’t let others discourage you for being consistent with your own beliefs. Listen to your body. It will tell you exactly what food it needs, and if you ever get stuck on what to eat next, there are many resources available online to create a perfect meal plan for your individual needs


We all want to live happy, fulfilling lives. To do so it takes a conscious effort, a lot of energy, and sometimes even a lot of time. Striving to do your best is always an admirable feat and should be revered, not frowned upon.

Anyone who tries to make you feel ashamed for striving may simply be ashamed of themselves for not striving to be their own optimal self

Step into the freedom of being your unique self. You can be free from living in shame, regardless of what anyone thinks. Know that you are making a positive impact in the world, and that everything outside of that is strictly superficial. Shine ON!



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