12 Totally Brilliant Car Cleaning Hacks to Keep Your Car Looking New

Master the art of cleanliness with some cheap to buy craft tools!

These 10 Car Cleaning Hacks Are So EFFECTIVE! I love the hack for getting rid of all my pet fur that has gotten stuck into the seats!

Found From The Krazy Coupon Lady

If you have extra coffee filters on hand, save yourself some time and money by using them to clean the dust from your car.

These 10 Car Cleaning Hacks Are So EFFECTIVE! I love the hack for getting rid of all my pet fur that has gotten stuck into the seats!

Found From The Krazy Coupon Lady

One of the biggest draws for me to using essential oils is that they have a very pure and clean smell to them. Products from brands such as Bath & Body Works used to smell amazing to me but as I get older they smell super artificial! I like to buy a variety kit so that I can change out the scents every so often. My favorites are lavender, lemon, rose, and geranium!

These 10 Car Cleaning Hacks Are So EFFECTIVE! I love the hack for getting rid of all my pet fur that has gotten stuck into the seats!

Found From The Krazy Coupon Lady

Not only is this stuff great for putting on your chapped skin to prevent dryness and wrinkles, it works great for protecting your car as well. Get a huge tub on the cheap on Amazon and keep it handy for when you need it the most!

These 10 Car Cleaning Hacks Are So EFFECTIVE! I love the hack for getting rid of all my pet fur that has gotten stuck into the seats!

Find it on Amazon Here

I absolutely adore microfiber cloths. I use them for EVERYTHING. If you have any surface in your car or house (think stainless steel, mirrors, windows, tvs, etc) that need a streak free shine, you need these in your life.


Found From The Krazy Coupon Lady

Consider using pineapple skins to make your car smell a whole lot better. Check out The Krazy Coupon Lady for more info!


Found From The Krazy Coupon Lady

The Krazy Coupon Lady REALLY knows how to clean. Use a screw driver to pick out those stubborn little crusts stuck in between the cracks of your car to get a deep clean.

These 10 Car Cleaning Hacks Are So EFFECTIVE! I love the hack for getting rid of all my pet fur that has gotten stuck into the seats!

Found From Organization Junkie

Want to get into those little cracks and creases in your car? A toothbrush can definitely help with that.

These 10 Car Cleaning Hacks Are So EFFECTIVE! I love the hack for getting rid of all my pet fur that has gotten stuck into the seats!

Found From Organization Junkie

Not going to lie, cleaning up animal hair is a PAIN. If you are a pet owner who has had it with pet hair getting stuck in fabric, you’re going to love this tip. Grab yourself a squeegee and a spray bottle of water and maybe some essential oils. Next, spray the seats and then loosen the hair by running the squeegee across the fabric.

These 10 Car Cleaning Hacks Are So EFFECTIVE! I love the hack for getting rid of all my pet fur that has gotten stuck into the seats!

Found From Wow Woodys

The last thing you want to do is use those big brand chemicals aimed at car owners looking to keep their car spotless. Skip the toxic and expensive products and make your own concoction instead!

These 10 Car Cleaning Hacks Are So EFFECTIVE! I love the hack for getting rid of all my pet fur that has gotten stuck into the seats!

Found From The Krazy Coupon Lady

If your windshield wipers are looking a bit on the dirty side these days and leaving streaks on your windshield after usage, try using some rubbing alcohol to clean them up.

Having a clean car has always been a really good feeling for me. Not only are you proud to have friends and family hop into your ride, you feel calmer while driving (which is safer too)! What are your favorite hacks for keeping your car clean? Let us all know in the comments!

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