I’m on the record as saying Thanksgiving leftover recipes are a bit silly. Most Thanksgiving leftovers are perfectly good reheated. I don’t need too many ways to eat leftover stuffing, for instance; straight out of the dish is generally quite good enough (although pan-frying as a reheating method is pretty sublime).
I’m a little weird. Come Thanksgiving or Christmas, while everyone’s looking forward to turkey and stuffing, I’m looking forward to mashed potatoes and gravy. And it’s not so much the mashed potatoes themselves because I find them rather plain when they’re not drowned in gobs and gobs of gravy. It’s the gravy. I’m a gravy hog. While other people’s plates will be a colorful assortment of everything on the table, mine would be 1/4 assortment and the rest of the plate invaded by mashed potatoes which you wouldn’t even recognize because it’s drowned in a lake of gravy. And I put extra gravy on my turkey just in case. If the gravy is almost gone, all you have to do is look on my plate to find it.

These enticing Chilean potato puffs, known as papas duquesas, are a cross between mashed potatoes and french fries. Valeria Huneeus’ granddaughters love picking up the little puffs with their hands and popping them into their mouths. More Potato Recipes

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