Life Hack: Easiest Way to Remove Rust in ONE Minutes

Here are my rusty fryers. He clearly saw a lot of cheesecakes. I never thought I could bake with it again.

Step 1: gather your materials

All I used was a bottle of coke and a piece of tin foil.

The second step: pouring the cola

I poured cola all over my frying pan. There are some chemical reactions that remove rust quickly. This is mostly surface rust so I can wipe it off after a few minutes. For deeper rust, you should leave it in for a longer period.

Step 3: scrub with foil

Coke loosens all the rust, and you take it off the tin.

Step 4: Rinse the pan

Simply rinse the cola and the rust from the pan. My hands actually got an orange while doing this. Not sure why …
Tada! Everything is clean . Instant rust remover.