

I was like just about every other college student, poor.

It didn’t matter what I did, I just couldn’t find enough time in my busy schedule to work enough to make any extra cash. Whatever money I did make instantly went out of my hands for books or other school supplies, classes, or the rare dinner out with friends. Whenever I thought about eating I would cringe, just because it was so expensive. Buying my own food was completely new to me.

My mom tried to always send me new recipes for cheap things to make. My roommate and I would often pool our money together and see what we could come up with that would be cheap, and something that would last a while.

We made this at least once a week, and it would last us several meals. It was cheap, tasty, and a big pan… just what we needed back then.

Quick Tip: Use whatever small pasta you have on hand.

To Make this Recipe You’ll Need the following ingredients:

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