Why Baking Soda Is One Of The Greatest Things You Could Use. Here Is What You Didn’t Know Baking Soda

Baking soda is undoubtedly one of the cheapest and most effective medications you can use, so it is normal that this fact will be always denied by the Big Pharma.

Numerous scientists have confirmed that sodium bicarbonate should be used as a primary and universal treatment in the case of numerous health conditions and illnesses, such as diabetes and cancer.

Baking soda has been used for decades in numerous treatments, and some even claim that even oncologists use it when they want to avoid the quick death of their patients due to the conventional cancer treatments.

Its use prevents and reduces the detrimental effects of radiation and chemotherapeutic medicaments on the kidneys and the entire body, often causing death.

Arm & Hammer Company claims that baking soda is a cheap medicine whose benefits should be known and used by all parents and doctors. In a combination with other natural substances, such as iodine and magnesium chloride, it can literally do miracles!

Due to this, make sure you always have it at hand, as it can be of great help in the case of emergencies, and is proven to be a potent natural remedy. Regarding the price of baking soda, which is only $ 50 for 25 pounds, make sure you keep it in bigger supplies at home.

However, you can use the store-bought soda for domestic use, but in case you use for medical purposes, consume pharmaceutical soda.

You should drink it twice daily, in the evening, before going to bed, and in the morning, as soon as you wake up. For best effects, it should be added to distilled water, or you can add apple cider vinegar or freshly squeezed juice for optimal effects.

Acidic pH values, (relative lack of bicarbonate ions), have consequences on the cell physiology, as biochemical reactions are sensitive to the balance of the pH levels in the body.

Modern foods, in general, reduce pH levels, leading to acidity, and this imbalance interferes with the function and activity of cells, especially if the body is not alkalized soon.

High acidic pH causes degradation of cells, as well as serious health issues, including heartburn, diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and osteoporosis.

Hence, the use of baking soda is of extreme help, as we know that an alkaline environment, (non-acidic) is the perfect one for the biological life.

Baking soda transport oxygen, by dilating blood vessels and releasing it into the tissues. In this way, it alkalizes the body. By increasing the pH value of the urine it also prevents crystallization of the urinary tract, and studies have shown that uric acid leads to kidney stones, diabetes, gouty arthritis, heart disease, and heart attacks.

Experts say that one can enjoy numerous benefits if he consumes a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water two times daily.