Wrap your feet in a few layers of aluminum foil. 1 hour later? Incredible


Learn how to use aluminum foil to create gorgeous curls here!

We all have a roll of aluminum foil somewhere in our kitchen drawers or cabinets, but we never think to use it on our body! Instead of whipping out the foil for just cooking, trying using it for any of these incredible health solutions. From kicking the common cold to the curb, to battling insomnia, this magical material is perfect for a ton of troublesome, everyday issues!

Blast Fatigue Right Now

Using aluminum foil to get rid of fatigue is an age-old tradition recognized by experts all over the world! To use thing in your own life, Consumer Health Digest suggests that you start by placing several aluminum foil strips in the freezer for for 2-4 hours. Then you should apply the strips to your face (specifically your cheeks or eyelids) and leave them in place until you feel the muscle totally relax! Once you take off the aluminum foil, you’ll notice that the symptoms of fatigue and insomnia are gone for good.

Soothe Painful Joints

Aluminum foil is great for treating painful conditions like arthritis, gout, sciatica and heel pain! To get the most out of this method, begin by wrapping the foil around the most painful area on your body and use a medical bandage to keep it nice and secure. Leave the wrap in place overnight (or while lounging around during the day). Repeat this for 10-12 days, then give your body a two-week break. If the pain persists, repeat the treat and break routine until it disappears!

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