3-Step Miracle Meal: This Casserole Is A Lazy Cook’s Dream!

No Such Thing As Picky Eaters When You Make This Scrumptious Dinner

Oh my goodness, I have had it up to here with packing lunches and snacks, driving back and forth, vacuuming, dusting and doing laundry. The last thing I need right now is chopping, boiling and standing by the stove – on top of it all my slow cooker broke down last week and I haven’t had a chance to get a new one yet!

Ok, I think that’s enough venting for one day. Thanks for listening! In return I’m going to give you this awesome, lifesaver of a recipe from Erin over at Making Memories With Your Kids. I’m telling you, those memories will take a turn for the better for me AND my kids when I can whip up this yummy casserole in a heartbeat, instead of slaving away in the kitchen for hours!

A few simple ingredients, that you most likely already have on hand, is all it takes to make this tasty dinner. And what a meal it is! My children are crazy about tater tots (aren’t we all?) so anything that has to do with them, is an immediate hit at our house.

Recipe and image courtesy of Making Memories With Your Kids.

Quick tip: Choose low-sodium cream of chicken soup for a healthier option.




You can make a few tweaks here and there; for example add some frozen veggies or use sausage instead of chicken. Here’s what Erin said about this casserole:

It is pure deliciousness!  I make it quite a bit.  It’s that good and it freezes great.  Perfect to divide up into single serve containers and freeze.  (And then perfect for me to take to work for lunch.)

That sounds perfect! I think I’m going to whip up two of these casseroles and freeze the other one for a rainy day!


1 can Cream of Chicken Soup

2 cups Daisy sour cream

2 cups grated cheddar cheese

3 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cooked and shredded

1/4 tsp. McCormick onion powder

1 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. pepper

2 lb. bag frozen tater tots (not thawed)


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Mix all of the ingredients together and put into a 9 x 13 baking dish.

Bake for 1 hour or until hot and bubbly.