
A Quick Hack to Building a Firewood “V” Rack

We had another tree fall in our yard and oops no space for the wood! This is one of the easiest and cheapest wood racks to assemble for your back yard. Honest. Easy-Cheap-Fast.

The materials needed are something most of us have already in the garage or shed but if not it’s still cheap to purchase. About $1.10 for a cinder block at Lowes (you’ll need 2). And about $3.40 for a 6 foot long treated 2×4 (you need 4) at Menards. Under $20 total!

How to Store Firewood in Backyard
2×4 Treated Lumber

Gather Your Materials

  • Two cinder blocks
  • Four 2×4 pieces of treated lumber in whatever length you wish*

*We decided to go with 6 foot long 2×4’s but you might go shorter depending on where you are locating it or if you already have some wood on hand.

Find a Spot
Find a SpotDecide where you want your set up. It could be near your fire pit or under a shelter or along a fence which is what we did. 

Simply set the two cinder blocks side by side with the 4 holes up. Easy peasy!

Insert 2x4s
Insert 2x4sInsert a pressure treated 2×4 in each opening of the cinder blocks pointing outward into a “V” shape- it’s that simple! 

Stack Wood
Stack WoodStack your wood in the “V”- see I told you- so easy and so fast! 

Note: You can easily mix up the big wood and small pieces throughout or left and right side small stuff and big stuff center.

We actually have several wood piles but decided to put a new one together to show everyone how easy it can be. Enjoy!

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