Antique Side Table Chooses Life

The argument goes like this:
“I’d never paint an antique…I think it’s a crime to paint any wood furniture.”
“Well, if nobody wants it and it’s destined for the trash, why not update it to fit today’s modern look?”
“It’s a tragedy to paint it. Besides, it will just have to be stripped!”
“It’s my piece of furniture, so I’ll do what I want with it.”
“It’s a tragedy, I tell you!”
The debate will go on forever with no one convincing the other side – because we’re all different. Some adore old, antique, hard to find original pieces. Some adore old, antique, hard to find original pieces painted.
That one word, “painted” is what freaks out many of those dyed in the wool antique lovers.
My take? Obviously I’m the painter person with no qualms about painting a piece of wood furniture. Hey, life is short and we ought to enjoy the things around us. Our home IS our castle and our tastes have their own unique flavor.
It’s OK. Really. It is OK. It’s just wood.
A piece of our history, you say? Yes it is. For me, it’s a piece of history with a coat of paint on it. To fit my preferences. I just don’t like old stuff…unless it’s my DH of course…LOL. I liked my mom. She was old. But my furniture? I like it to look a certain way and that’s OK. Just like it’s OK if you prefer only the wood look.
Variety and uniqueness make the world a more interesting place!
So here is my little antique I got from an estate auction:
antique side table chooses life, home decor, painted furniture, painting, repurposing upcycling

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