Banana Honey & Water mixture

This new natural remedy contains some of the oldest and most potent ingredients available.ingredients that soothe the throat and lungs and treat coughs and bronchitis in no time !

Thanks to the great properties of honey and banana included in the recipe, you can use this treat for kids and adults alike and enjoy its flavor too !

Anything from sore throats, bad coughs, and even stomach problems can be treated with this drink.

* Here’s how to prepare it :

* Ingredients :

° 400 ml boiled water
° 2 medium ripe bananas with dots
° 2 tablespoons of honey

* Prepare:

First, peeled bananas & mash them with wooden fork or spoon. Do not use metal cutlery, as bananas tend to darken when in contact with metal.
Next, putting banana in bowl & adding boiling water to it. Leave mixture soak about 30 min.
Finally, when treat cools down, adding honey. You can filter the mixture if you prefer it transparent. It is important to add honey last, so that it does not lose its important properties in boiling water.

* consumption:
Drink 100 ml of this remedy 4 times a day (total 400 ml per day).
This amount is enough for one day and you can prepare a fresh one the next morning.
The first results come in 5 days.
We value nature more and always turn to it for more beneficial treatments!