Beef Tips

– This recipe was delicious. I too cooked it in the crockpot. I only filled it with water till the 2lbs of stew meet was covered, I omitted the salt, put in 1/2 a large white onion, and the 1/4 c. worscheshire and low sodium soy sauce. It smelled great cooking day. Right before we ate it I added just the brown gravy pack with no water and it thickend up quite nicely. The was a great meal. My husband is asking for seconds.

– Very, very good! My boyfriend did everything but lick his plate clean! I omitted the salt and it was still bordering on too salty… next time I will use reduced sodium soy sauce. Served it over No Yolks noodles, with flaky biscuits and Garlic Green Beans (from this site). Yum!

– This was pretty good.I omitted the salt and used low sodium soy sauce and a packet of low sodium brown gravy mix. It was just right not salty at all.

– My family and I loved this dish! I cooked it in my crockpot, it was so easy! I followed another reviewers notes, covered meat with water, cooked it 4 hours. I added 2 dashes of hot sauce and 1 tbl. Italian seasoning. I added gravey mix (no extra water) about 20 mins before serving. This is diffently a KEEPER.

2 lbs cubed beef stew meat
1 onion, chopped
1 package brown gravy mix
1/4 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce
2 cups water
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 teaspoon garlic
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground pepper
1 cup water
(add red or green bell peppers if desired)

In a large skillet, heat oil over high heat.
Saute the onion until translucent.
Add stew meat and cook on high heat until meat is browned on all sides (3-5 minutes). Pour 2 cups water, soy sauce, and worcestershire sauce into the skillet.
Stir in garlic powder, salt and pepper.
Bring to boil and reduce heat.
Cover and simmer for 1 1/2 to 2 hours.
Then combine the gravy mix with 1 cup of water, mix thoroughly and stir into the meat. Bring to boil, stirring frequently until it slightly thickens.