chocolate chunk cookies

Pinned over 3 million times, these super soft and chewy chocolate chip cookies are the most popular cookie recipe on my website. Melted butter, more brown sugar than white sugar, and an extra egg yolk guarantee the chewiest chocolate chip cookie texture. Big chocolate chunks promise chocolate in every single bite. The flavor and texture of these cookies is unparalleled by any other recipe. No mixer required!
Your search for the best chocolate chip cookies ends here. This chewy chocolate chip cookie recipe is made with browned butter and huge chunks of chocolate for the perfect, crunchy on the outside, gooey in the middle cookie of your dreams. Pair one of these bad boys with a glass of cold milk for the best cookies and milk of your life!

There are hundreds of chocolate chip cookies recipes out there. Everyone has their favorite! But, in my mind, this recipe really stands out. These chewy chocolate chip cookies are:

The chewiest of chewy and the softest of soft!
Extra thick.
Bakery style with an under-baked center.
Exploding with chocolate!

Baking sheets
Stand Mixer
Mixing bowl
Cooling rack

▢1 1/4 cup All-Purpose Flour
▢3/4 cup Cake flour*
▢1 tsp. corn starch
▢1/2 tsp. baking powder
▢1/2 tsp. baking soda
▢1/2 tsp. salt
▢1/2 cup cold, unsalted butter, cubed (8 Tbsp.)
▢1/2 cup light brown sugar, packed dark brown works too!
▢1/4 cup white granulated sugar
▢1 large egg
▢1 egg yolk
▢2 cups milk chocolate chips** (you can always use less chocolate if you want) or semi-sweet.

Preheat the oven to 400°F. Whisk together the All-purpose flour, cake flour, baking soda, baking powder, cornstarch and salt together in a large bowl. Set aside.
Place the cubed butter into the bowl of a stand mixer and secure the paddle attachement. Turn the mixer on the lowest setting. I keep mine on “stir” the whole time.
Let the mixer cream the butter for 30 seconds, and then add in the brown sugar and mix 30 seconds, followed by the white sugar for 30 seconds. Then add in the egg and the egg yolk and blend until mixed. If any of the butter gets stuck on the paddle attachment use a rubber spatula to knock it off.
Keep the mixer on low speed & gradually add in the flour mixture. Slowly and carefully add it in a little at a time until ingredients are incorporated. Then add in the chocolate chips and mix just until the chocolate chips are incorporated. Turn off the machine.

Measure out ~6, 5.7 oz. cookies. I like to use a food scale for this but if you don’t have one, simply eye-ball it. Cookies will be a little smaller than a fist, huge I know! Keep the cookies nice and tall and don’t flatten them. Bake all 6 cookies on a cookie sheet at a time. No need to spray the cookie sheet with baking spray.
Double up your cookie sheet: flip one cookie sheet upside down and place the other cookie sheet your cookie dough is on on top of that. This ensures the bottoms won’t brown too much. It’s a fun tip!
Bake cookies for 10-12 minutes. The tops will be golden brown and the secret is to pull them out before you think they are done. Let them rest on the cookie sheet for at least 15-30 minutes. It’s hard to wait. Trust me, I’ve been there. Place the cookies on a cooling rack to finish cooling completely. Enjoy with a big tall glass of milk!