Chocolate Dipped Peanut Butter Pretzels

Chocolate Dipped Peanut Butter Pretzels ~ Delicious peanut butter stuffed between two pretzels and dipped in chocolate! The perfect Christmas treat for your cookie platter or exchange!

Today I’m proud to be part of the blogging campaign to help the Community of Newtwon, CT and the Sandy Hook Elementary Tragedy. Today I’m dedicating this post to all of those effected by this terrible tragedy.

As I sit here and ponder what to write there are no words that come to my mind that could ever be important enough for you to read when it comes to this terrible event. I’m at a loss. Every time I think about it tears come to my eyes and I wonder why? Oh why could this happen? We’ll never know the answer. The only thing that will get a family, friends, nation, or world through this is all pulling together, leaning on each other and supporting each other. It’s times like this that make someone stop and realize how much in life is so precious and can be torn away at anytime. Why does it take a tragedy to do this to a person? I vow to hug my family closer every day and remember that they are precious. That they are important. So important that the house cleaning, errands and other stuff can always wait. This is something I personally struggle with. You never know when something will change. Play a game, read a book, make a snack and just listen and love them. That’s really the most important job as a parent isn’t it?


1 c. creamy peanut butter
2 Tbsp butter softened
1/2 c. powdered sugar
3/4 c. brown sugar
4 squares chocolate almond bark

Line a baking sheet with wax paper and set aside.
Mix peanut butter and butter together. Scrape down bowl, add sugars and beat until combined. You should be able to roll the mixture into balls without sticking to your hands. Add more powedered sugar until you reach this consistency.
Roll the mixture into small balls. Sandwich the balls between two pretzels and place in the freezer for 30 minutes.
Melt the chocolate in a double boiler. Stir occasionally until smooth.
Dip each pretzel bite halfway into the melted chocolate and place on the prepared baking sheet. Let sit until the chocolate is set. Store in air tight container