Dolly Parton’s Cabbage Soup

A delicious and traditional recipe from legendary country singer, Dolly Parton.
Shrimp Creole is a classic New Orleans dish with both Spanish and French undertones. It consists of shrimp cooked in a spicy mixture of diced tomatoes and the trinity of onion, celery and bell pepper. Traditionally, shrimp creole is served with cooked white rice. Add a piece of freshly baked crusty french bread for an amazing meal!

Quick and easy cabbage soup. Make up a big batch over the weekend and have leftovers for lunches during the week! Serve with some homemade biscuits. I have several friends that are successfully using this diet. One friend said that she has lost a lot of belly fat and is beginning to get her waistline back. She has been on this diet for about a month now. She’s the one that gave me the recipe. My hubby’s doctor wants him to drop about 20 pounds so we’ll see if he succeeds.

I do not guarantee what this diet claims nor do I promote this diet plan. I am only passing it along to those that requested I post it. Good luck. ***(FYI: it most likely will not increase your bust size…LOL!)

1 small head cabbage
3 ribs of celery
2 green peppers
1 medium onion
1 large can diced tomatoes
1 can chicken broth
Salt and pepper, to taste

Cut veggies in medium pieces, add soup mix, herb seasonings and boil, covered with water, for 10 minutes. Turn on low heat & simmer until veggies are soft. Refrigerate leftovers.

Miracle Soup can be eaten at any time you feel hungry. Eat as much as you wish as often as you like any time of the day. This soup will not add calories so eat as much as you want.

Lose 10-17 pounds and feel like a million in only 7 days. One of the secrets of the effectiveness of this -day plan is that the food eaten takes more calories to burn than they give to the body in calorie value so eat as much as you want. This 7-day plan can be used as often as you like without fear of feeling ill. As a matter of fact, if followed correctly it will flush out the system of impurities and give you a feeling of well-being you never thought possible. After 7 days of this program, you will begin to feel lighter because you will be lighter by at least 10-17 pounds and have an abundence of energy. Continue this plan as long as you wish and see the difference in both mental and physical disposition.
DAY 1:
All fruits EXCEPT bananas along with the Miracle Soup: Your first day will consist of all the fruit you want except bananas. For all you melon lovers, this is just the day for you. Two fruits, which are lower in calories than most other fruits, are watermelon and canteloupe. Should you eat only melons, your chances of losing 3 pounds the first day are great.
DAY 2:
All vegetables along with the Miracle Soup: Eat until you are stuffed with all the fresh, raw or cooked vegetables of your choice. Try to eat green leafy veggies and stay away from veggies such as dried beans, peas and corn. These veggies are good for you but not if you are trying to reduce your calorie intake, which you are. So eat as much of any other vegetables as you want. Surprise, you may also have a large baked potato with butter on your vegetable day.
DAY 3:
Fruits and vegetables along with the Miracle Soup: same as day 1 and day 2, EXCEPT today…no potato.
DAY 4:
Bananas and skim milk along with the Miracle Soup: Eat as many as 8 bananas and drink as many as 8 glasses of skim milk on this day, along with your Miracle Soup. Bananas are very high in calories and carbohydrates and so is milk. But on this particular day your body will need these essential carbs, proteins and calcium, which will lessen your craving for sweets.
DAY 5:
Beef and tomatoes along with the Miracle Soup: You may have 10-12 ounces of beef and 6 tomatoes on your fifth day. Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water in order to wash away the uric acid in the body.
DAY 6:
Beef and vegetables along with the Miracle soup: Eat until your heart is content of beef and veggies but NO POTATOES today.
DAY 7:
Brown rice, unsweetened fruit juice and vegetables along with the Miracle Soup: Again stuff, stuff, stuff!