I was skeptical of this recipe because, quite frankly, it looked a bit too easy. I am used to more complicated cobblers. I had some fresh strawberries in the refridgerator that I didn’t want to go bad and decided to use them for this dessert. I am amazed at how great the cobbler presented itself and tasted. I used a stoneware pie dish and melted the butter in the oven as suggested but scaled back on the amount -about 3 Tbsp. I mixed the ingredients as it stated and sliced the fresh strawberries onto the top (didn’t place them in whole as they were extra large) until the top of the dish was blanketed with them. I let the cobbler bake for about 50 minutes and served it warm with a dollop of cool whip on top.

Fantastic. My dinner guest was quite amazed and impressed. This was the easiest and one of the best tasting cobblers I’ve made to date (and I bake A LOT). Next time I’ll try experimenting with different fruits.

* 1 stick butter
* 1 C. self rising flour
* 1 C. sugar
* 1 C. milk
* 1, 1lb. 5 oz. canned pie filling

* Place the stick of butter in the bottom of a 9×13 pan and put in the oven to melt as the oven preheats to 350 degrees. Whisk together the flour, sugar and milk. Once the butter is melted and the oven has preheated, pour the cobbler mixture into the pan to cover the bottom. Spoon the pie filling all over the top, DO NOT STIR, and then place back in the oven for 35-40 minutes or until golden brown on top.

Source :  allrecipes.com