Easy Homemade Apple Fritters

These Easy Homemade Apple Fritters are packed full of fresh apples, simple to make, and can be ready in just 30 minutes!
Here’s a super quickie for you all! These Easy Homemade Apple Fritters were are spur of the “I really want some fritters,” moment, kind of delicious creation and they were sooo tasty I had to share!

I found this recipe from the super talented I Am Baker and when she says this recipe is easy, she’s right. This recipe was, I have about 30 minutes left before nap time is over, kind of easy!

We happened to have honeycrisp apples, but I definitely want to try this with granny smith, next time! And trust, me, there will be a next time (which might be tomorrow).

1 cup all purpose flour
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
½ teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 teaspoons lemon juice fresh
3-4 cups apples, diced 2 large apples, peeled and diced into bite-size pieces (honeycrisp or granny smith)
2 tablespoons granulated sugar
2 large eggs at room temperature
¼ cup whole milk
Vegetable oil for frying
1 1/4 cup confectioner’s sugar
¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
3-5 teaspoons water

Whisk together the flour, baking powder, cinnamon, and salt in a medium bowl.
In another bowl, add the diced apples and the lemon juice and apples.
Add sugar and eggs to the bowl of a stand mixer. With a paddle attachment, mixon medium speed until fully combined. Reduce to low and add the flour mixture in and mix until just combined.
Add the milk and continue to stir until all well combined and then fold in the diced apples.
Fill a frying pan halfway with oil. Heat over medium heat until the oil reaches 375°F with a candy thermometer or an instant read thermometer.
1/4 cup at a time, drop batter into oi and let fry until golden brown (the batter will feel thin, but it’ll come together, don’t worry). Flip and fry other side until golden brown. You’ll know they’re done if you insert a small knife into the center and it comes clean. If not, fry a little longer.
Use a slotted spoon to transfer to a paper towel-lined cooling rack and let cool. Repeat with all the batter.
In a small bowl, combine the sugar, vanilla, and 3 teaspoons of water. Add more water, 1 teaspoon at a time, until a pourable consistency is reached.
Drizzle the glaze over the cooled fritters and let dry.