Every Woman Should Know These 10 Tricks With Vicks VapoRub

Nowadays every woman is busy even if she doesn’t work and just keeps the house. She has to keep her apartment clean, take care of her children and pets. She also can’t forget about herself. The woman always has to be beautiful.

As a rule we have to spend a lot of time and money for all these things. We buy a lot of cleaning products, remedies and other stuff to do all our duties. However, there are many other things which can be helpful.

Vicks VapoRub is a popular remedy which is effective in many cases. People use it to treat cough, running nose and other health conditions. Today we have for you 10 tricks with Vicks VapoRub which will help you to keep your house and take care of yourself.

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Vicks VapoRub is an incredibly beneficial and versatile ointment that can replace numerous medicines and cosmetic products we use.

We bet that you didn’t know you can use it in the following 10 ways!

1 Headache relief

Smear some of it under the nose to relieve a headache in a very short time.

2 Stop bruises

Apply a bit of Vicks VapoRub over the fresh bruise to reduce its appearance and accelerate its healing.

3 Acne

Just apply it to the affected areas a few times daily and they will disappear soon.

4 Insect and mosquito repellent

Mosquitoes and insects hate the smell of Vicks VapoRub, so use it to keep them at bay.

5 Congestion

Use this healthy ointment to treat congestion and ease breathing.

6 Ear pain

Apply some VapoRub into the ear using a Q-tip to relieve an earache.

7 Moisturizer

Apply it to the skin to moisturize it and keep it healthy and hydrated!

8 Cracked heels and nail fungus

Apply some Vicks VapoRub on the heels or nails and leave it to act overnight to heal the cracked heels and fight nail fungus.

9 Minor cuts

Apply it to the minor cuts to accelerate their healing.

10 Stretch marks and eczema

Apply it on the affected areas on a daily basis to fight stretch marks and relieve eczema.