Fool-Proof Pie Crust: There’s No Going Back Once You’ve Tried This!

You CAN’T FAIL With This Recipe!

I know we all think we have the best pie crust recipe on the planet, especially if it’s one we’ve inherited from our mother or grandmother. Over the years I’ve tried several recipes; some of them excellent, some – not so much. Even though I had already found a really good one that I had used for two years straight, I still wanted to try this one my friend gave me.

And I’m so glad I did! This turned out very easy to make and I absolutely love the texture. I’ve made this crust for both, sweet and savory pies, and I always get compliments when I serve these pies to my friends and family. It simply is delicious!

You only need a handful of ingredients (isn’t that how all the best recipes always are) and then the hardest part is to decide what fillings you want to add. Whatever you choose, I guarantee it’s going to be fabulous!

This is a great recipe for sweet and savory pies! Whether you’re an experienced baker or just a beginner, you can do this. The instructions are very straightforward, and the end result is worth the effort!

Blueberry pie is my favorite (with a giant scoop of vanilla ice cream melting on top) but I’ve tried this recipe for a chicken pot pie as well, and it was delicious. I hardly use any other pie crust recipes these days since I think this is such an easy one to make!

One of my goals for 2016 was to develop a foolproof all butter pie crust that anyone could make. I spent hours researching the topic, and countless nights in my kitchen baking one pie after another. It was a long road and I’m not going to lie – it wasn’t always easy! Some of the pie crusts came out too greasy… others too dry… some wouldn’t roll out… some shrank the minute they entered the oven… and on and on and on it went. Until finally, after exactly 26 fails, my hard work paid off!!! Lucky number 27 was flaky, flavorful, and quickly became my all-time favorite.

It’s taken me plenty of time but it’s been worth it experimenting because I FINALLY can share this pie crust I’ve been using for weeks from everything sweet to savory. My family never gets sick of it. It’s perfectly flaky and delicious!

It’s taken me plenty of time but it’s been worth it experimenting because I FINALLY can share this pie crust I’ve been using for weeks from everything sweet to savory. My family never gets sick of it. It’s perfectly flaky and delicious!




Quick tip: This makes the most amazing crust for a blueberry pie!




2 ½ cups Gold Medal all-purpose flour

1 tsp baking powder

1 tsp salt

1 cup shortening

½ cup McArthur milk


Sift the dry ingredients together. Cut in shortening with a fork or a pastry blender until the texture resembles coarse crumbs. Add a little bit of milk at a time, and gently mix together until the dough reaches the desired consistency.

This recipe makes 2-3 single crusts or 1 thick, double crust pie crust.

Bake single crusts at 425 degrees for 10-15 minutes or until crust is a golden brown.