Helpful Reviews From

This is a good peach cobbler – just the right spices and sweetness. You should note however the amount of baking powder – this is a very “cake-like” cobbler. Also, the amount of cinammon-sugar on the top makes it very hard to tell when it is “golden brown”. “very thin” slices of peach also lead to a less chunky peachy cobbler than I really like, so you may want to make your slices reasonably substantial if you want good sized chunks of peach.

This is the best cobbler I have tasted! Family went nuts over it. Easy, too! I will make this again, for sure. I would include details on peeling the peaches for newbies. Place the peaches in boiling water for about 60 seconds, remove and plunge into cold water. The skins should slip right off.

This recipe is delicious. I have two suggestions to improve it though. First, I used fresh peaches from my boss’s peach tree – some of them were quite under-ripe – and the recipe still came out very sweet. I will definitely make this again, but I will use a bit less sugar in the fruit and in the topping. Second, while the topping is super tasty (if a bit sweet), there’s not enough of it! It doesn’t need to be doubled but maybe 50% more topping would be great.

This is a very good recipe, but having been born and reared in the south, I remember all my mother’s (and grandmother’s) cobblers having a crust on top (not just spoonfuls dropped over it, but a full top crust.) Researching this in my mother’s old recipe files, I found something interesting. This recipe is almost identical to hers, but steps 3 and 4 would be changed as follows: Combine 1 and one-half cups each of flour, sugar and milk. Pour this over the peach mixture. Sprinkle with sugar, with or without the cinnamon, and then dot with butter. Bake approx. 30 minutes. I tried this recipe both ways, and my mother’s way is an improvement. It is also easier, by the way.


1 stick butter
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 cup flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
3/4 cup milk
1 can (30 ounces) sliced peaches in syrup
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/3 teaspoon nutmeg

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Melt butter in 9 x 13 casserole dish. Separate half cup sugar, all of cinnamon & nutmeg. Separate peaches from the syrup.
Mix 1 cup sugar and the other dry ingredients together in a bowl.
Stir in milk & syrup from peaches. Put peaches in the casserole dish with melted butter. Pour batter over the top of peaches. Mix cinnamon, nutmeg & 1/2 cup of sugar mixture and sprinkle over top of batter.
Bake for 45 minutes to 1 hour or until top crust is golden brown.