Greener Cleaners – Three Product Swap Experiences

Iiis your oven glass dirty Try this simple and affordable tip for cleaning your oven window without spray chemicals 😍



If you came to my house and awkwardly asked to look under my kitchen sink, you’d see chemicals. Stainless steel aerosol, almond-scented wood floor oil, and Clorox wipes (which I’ll never give up…I think?), but you’d also spy a few natural cleaners.  I have embraced a few granola-type cleaners over the years and they are working really well for us. However, I’ve learned not to feel guilty if I don’t go completely green. I’ve found a balance!

Today, I’m going to share with you 3 products I’ve switched out for a more natural alternative.

1. Easy Off Fume Free Oven Cleaner

It says “fume free.” They masked the smell so my body wouldn’t set off the alert that I’m using something that needs some serious ventilation. Good thing I read the directions! Years later, I saw a video that demonstrated how easy it is to use another simple household item and I took the plunge. Who knows where I’d be if they’d made it smell like freshly baked chocolate chip cookies?

Natural Replacement – Baking Soda
In 1986 the Statue of Liberty was celebrating her 100th year and they used baking soda to clean the iconic statue. As abrasive as our fingernails, baking soda is a safe, simple and affordable alternative. It restored Lady Liberty and it can do the same for your oven.

Mix with water to make a paste, smear onto the surface and leave for 30 min – 3 hours depending on how caked on the grime is, and wipe off with paper towels or a wet hand towel.

Clean Oven Glass

2. Bleach
I always use gloves with heavily diluted bleach because of all the warnings and I remember to open a few windows. But, even with all the right precautions, I had a longing to find a product that would work just as well without the overly cautious behavior I’d adopted. So, about 5 years ago, I made the switch.

Natural Replacement – Simple Green
It’s versatile, it’s available at Sam’s or Lowes, and it’s not crazy expensive. You can use Simple Green full strength or dilute it (the levels are right on the side of the bottle). It’s perfect as a spray for tables, counters etc. You can also use it to mop your floors or in the laundry. I’ve even used it on my wood floors without any problems. Did I say it’s versatile?


3. Dish Soap

Last week, I looked up some of the ingredients on a whim and decided to swap this one out primarily because I’m not using gloves when I wash dishes.

Natural Replacement – Help me decide!
I’m excited to meet my next friend in the world of natural cleaners. Do you know of a natural product that you or your friends trust to wash dishes? I’m not quite ready to take the “make-your-own” route, but I’d love some input on pre-made products!

Have you swapped out anything for a more natural option? I’d love to hear what you use and which ones you’ve decided are worth the trade off. Do they stand up to the cleaning power of your tried and true products from before?

And, please give me recommendations for the next season of dish soap in my home. My hands thank you!

Happy cleaning!

clean oven glass