Hershey S’mores Kiss Cookies

S’MORES COOKIES START WITH A GRAHAM CRACKER FILLED COOKIE BASE, TOPPED WITH A GOOEY MARSHMALLOW, AND A CHOCOLATE KISS – FOR YOUR FAVORITE S’MORES FLAVORS IN A DELICIOUS AND CUTE COOKIE! I am obsessed with all things s’mores. When I saw these Hershey Kiss S’mores Cookies I knew I had to try them. We’ve already got s’mores cookies on our blog, so why not try other versions. Of course they’d be delicious, right? Well I was very right.

Out of all the cookies I have ever pawned off to anyone who will take them (and I’ve pawned off a lot, let me tell you), I’ve never had more rave reviews than today’s cookie. No lie. I have never loved s’mores as much as I have this summer! I don’t know what changed, but I cannot get enough of them! I just love the combination of the graham cracker, marshmallow and chocolate. There is just nothing better! Brian grabbed the tray of them to take to work on his way out the door last week with nary a word one way or the other what he thought about them.

Hershey S’mores Kiss Cookies
S’mores heaven! These Hershey S’mores Kiss Cookies are almost too adorable to eat.

Prep Time: 20 minutes

Cook Time: 12 minutes

Total Time: 32 minutes

Yield: 24


10 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened to room temperature
1 cup granulated sugar
2 eggs
1 cup creamy peanut butter
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 and 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
12 large marshmallows, cut in half
24 Hershey kisses milk chocolate, unwrapped


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
In a large bowl combine the butter and sugar, stir until combined.
Add eggs, peanut butter and vanilla, mix on medium-speed until it is well combined.
Slowly add the flour, baking powder and salt.
Roll out the dough and take out a ball of about 1 tablespoon, place it in a cookie sheet that is covered with baking paper.
Repeat with the remaining dough.
Bake for 8-10 minutes until there is a slight brown color on the edges.
Remove from the oven and immediately set half marshmallow, sticky side down on each cookie.
Put the cookies back in the oven and broil for 1-2 minute until they become brown, make sure you don’t burn them.
Take them out from the oven and place Hershey kisses chocolate on top of each cookie, pressing gently with your finger so that the chocolate sinks into a cookie.
Move to a wire rack to cool completely.