Homemade Floor Cleaner Recipe

I have a confession to make… well actually two! I’m a perfectionist who hates to clean house. How can that be right? It doesn’t even make sense! After years of self analyzing the best I can come up with is that if it can’t be perfect then I don’t want to do it at all. That can become more than a little overwhelming, especially with a family our size! Recently, I’ve been doing a lot of research on Living Green. The only problem with that when it comes to cleaners is many I have tried did not work nearly as well as the commercial cleaners. Not one to give up I’m still on a quest to find natural replacements. So, why not start with floor cleaner since the bathroom needs mopped anyway! : )

One night while spending hours looking at “just one more pin” I happened across a pin with this description “ONLY use this and it leaves floor spotless. (Heavy duty floor cleaner recipe: ¼ cup white vinegar 1 tablespoon liquid dish soap ¼ cup baking soda 2 gallons tap water , very warm.)”

Heavy duty spoke to me right away! As I’ve mentioned previously we are a large family! There are currently nine of us sharing the house. So you can imagine how quickly the dirt piles up!

I have to say I was doubtful. As I said I’ve tried natural cleaners in the past and they just weren’t all they were cracked up to be! I assembled my ingredients – only three simple basic ingredients in this cleaner by the way (okay four if you count the water), mixed it all up and began mopping the bathroom floor.

Homemade Floor Cleaner Recipe Ingredients - Yours And Mine Are Ours


I’m happy to report that I finally have found a natural floor cleaner that is as good as if not better than the commercial floor cleaners I’ve used in the past. It took very little effort on my part to clean the floor which is a huge plus and you can tell the floor has been mopped which is another bonus! Did I mention that our floors are white? Who does that? It was like that when we moved into the house!

Here’s the before and after pictures of the floor. My pictures leave a lot to be desired but I think you’ll get the idea.

BEFORE (yeah I know pretty embarrassing huh?)

Homemade Floor Cleaner Recipe Before Picture
Homemade Floor Cleaner Recipe After Picture

Here’s the recipe in case you missed it above.

1/4 cup white vinegar
1/4 cup baking soda
1 tablespoon liquid dish soap
2 gallons hot tap water
Mix & mop. No rinsing needed.

Here is a link to the original recipe which calls for Washing Soda by the way, however baking soda worked great for me!

*Please note* I received feedback from one reader who stated that using the baking soda had left her floor streaked. She was going to try the washing soda however I did not hear feedback after.