How to Clean Jewelry Naturally & Silverware overly

Silver is one of the chemical elements that conduct electrical current, and it is considered one of the precious metals such as platinum and gold. Silver is distinguished by its bright white color, flexibility and resistance to rust, which resulted in its use in drawing various types of decorations and the production of coins since long ages, in addition to making precious jewelry, which They are used in decorations, but these pieces may lose their shine over time due to exposure to oxidation, and surrounding air pollution and silver exposure to chemicals that are scattered from body care products such as deodorants, perfumes, and hairspray contribute to extinguishing their shine and luster.

** What do you use to clean jewerly at home ?

° Aluminum foil

° 1 large spoon of baking soda

° 1 large spoon of salt

° 1 large spoon of dish liquid

° 1 cup of warm water

° Bowl

° Toothbrush

** How do you clean Jewelry at home ?

Step 1 – Put a piece of foil in bottom of your bowl.

Step 2 – Add 1 cup warm water.

Step 3 – Add 1 large spoon each of baking soda and salt.

Step 4 – Add 1 large spoon of dish liquid and mix well.

Step 5 – Add pieces jewelry and allow them soak about 11 min .

Step 6 – Give every piece a fluffy scrub utilize a clean toothbrush.

Step 7 – washing every piece in cold water.

Step 8 – Air dry on a towel, and wipe every piece down to do sure it’s totally dry.

I like that I can get all of my jewelry clean without the employ of harsh, store bought chemical-filled jewelry cleaners that can proabbly even sully your jewelry !