New Military Diet Promises A Weight Loss Of 10 Pounds In 3 Days

Thus, for the hard-core dieters, a new plan has been introduced – the military diet.

Coupled with a proper exercise regime that consists of light aerobic exercises, if you have the willpower to push through, you may drop unwanted pounds with this diet plan. After all, its all about creating a deficit – calorie-wise.

Breakfast is extremely important – you will not be skipping meals for this diet plan. You’d be left too hungry to do so, due to the extremely low calories! This diet is not for the faint-hearted, and people with yo-yo dieting histories are highly advised NOT to follow this diet plan. Day 1’s breakfast is shown below.

For those with peanut allergies, you may replace the peanut butter with almond butter, cashew butter or even some hummus.

Coffee and tea must be plain – without milk, sugar or even syrup.

So you’ve decided to start this diet in order to create a calorie deficit. Beware – its going to be very hard, and hunger pangs are frequent in this one. A sample of meal one’s lunch includes 1 cup of tuna, 1 cup of coffee or tea plus 1 slice of toast.

Day 1 ends with 1 apple, 1 cup green beans, half a banana and 3 oz of lean minced meat. Choose chicken or turkey for this one – no high fat minced!

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And day 2 rolls around – scrambled eggs on toast with half a banana. With a beverage of your choice – either coffee or tea, so say goodbye to your regular glass of OJ. No pancakes or waffles here, you can savor them when this diet ends for the week.

Tupperware-friendly meal for lunch: 5 crackers, 1 boiled egg and 1 cup of cottage cheese. Packed full of protein but low in carbs (according to which brand of crackers you choose).

Day 2 ends with dinner: 2 sausages, 1 cup of broccoli, half cup of carrots and half cup of banana along with vanilla ice cream.

This diet is extreme, caution is advised along with constant health monitoring. It is incredibly low in vegetables and fruits – which means a lack of vitamins and minerals for you!

Day 3 rolls around, and a starvation breakfast welcomes your morning as you push through the last day – 1 apple, 5 crackers and 1 slice of cheese. Still hungry after seeing this?

Lunch on day 3: 1 egg and 1 slice of toast with nothing on it. Not even Nutella.

The last meal of the 3-day dieting period are as follows: 1 cup of tuna, half a banana and 1 cup of vanilla ice cream. No snacking in between meals is allowed – consistency in a calorie deficit is key, although this might set you up for a 4-day binge. Control.

This diet plan forbids all alcohol – so say goodbye to your weekly booze as you start your military diet journey!

With proper dieting and exercise, a 6-pack is possible, but not without hard work!

Dieting requires lots of time and patience – its no miracle, though – consult your doctor should you wish to take on any dieting plan before you do so!