Oven Roasted Smoked Sausage and Potatoes

This is such a simple and easy meal. It takes less than 10 minutes to chop everything up and it takes 40 minutes in the oven to make. At first, when I tried this, I used this really awful spicy sausage. I got it, thinking that it wouldn’t be that spicy but holy heck, this was the most spiciest sausage I’ve ever had.
Smoked Sausage was not something that was a familiar ingredient in my home when I was growing up. I had never even heard of it. I discovered it shortly after I moved out to Western Canada as a young Bride . . .
This is a really delicious oven baked meal that will have your family scrambling for seconds. I guarantee. It’s a bit healthier however because it is baked and not fried. There is cheese though . . . but when is that ever a bad thing?
But, then I realized I didn’t have enough foil, so into the oven it went! Smoked sausage in all it’s smoky, salty, savory glory, creamy baby yellow potatoes (and a few pink ones thrown in there) and of course some sweet onion; and this Smoked Sausage and Potato Sheet Pan Dinner was born!

1 package of smoked sausage, sliced into rounds
1 large onion, peeled and chopped
5 large potatoes, peeled and chopped into ½ inch cubes
olive oil
fine sea salt
freshly ground black pepper
sweet paprika
dried thyme
a handful of greated strong cheddar cheese

Preheat the oven to 400*F.
Line a large baking tray (with sides) with several sheets of foil, and spray with cooking spray. Set aside.
Put the sausage rounds, onions, and potatoes into a large bowl. Drizzle with a couple TBS of olive oil and season to taste with salt, pepper, paprika and dried thyme. Toss together with your hands until everything is evenly distributed. Pour this out onto the baking tray, and spread it out as much as you can.
Place into the heated oven and roast for 45 minutes to an hour, stirring every 15 minutes or so, until the potatoes are golden brown and tender. Turn off the oven.
Scatter the cheese over top of the cooked meat and potatoes, Pop back into the oven a few minutes to melt the cheese.

Source : allrecipes.Com