Sealing Up Your House for Fall and Winter

We may still be in the throes of summer, but fall is coming, and it’s a good time to start sealing up your home for cooler weather.

window insulation tips


There are several benefits to sealing up your home with Titebond WeatherMaster Sealant. In addition to helping with temperature control inside the house, it also helps to keep insects from invading your home. It helps to protect the exterior from rotting and degradation, and even improves the curb appeal of your home. One tube went a long way to sealing up many spots in my home!

Begin by identifying the spots in your home that need to be resealed. For me, this included the seams in my siding, the trim above my garage, and a few spots on some windows and doors.


Prep time! Clear any old caulk or sealant still left in those spots, and clean away any dirt or mildew from the area. Use the spray cleaner of your choice (perhaps bleach or another mildew remover), and use an Exacto knife or box cutter to cut out old sealant.



In areas where you want a nice clean line (such as a window), use masking tape to mark the space.



To open the Titebond WeatherMaster Sealant, unscrew the applicator tip and pierce the opening with something sharp. Replace the applicator, then cut the tip at a 45 degree angle. Place the tub into a caulking gun, and pull the trigger until it is tight against the bottom of the tube.

Before you get started, grab some gloves and paper towels! This next part gets a little messy.



Run a bead of sealant into the area, and smooth it with your finger. (There are tools you can buy for this, but I find it a lot easier just to use my fingers.) Wipe away any excess until the area is properly filled. A moistened paper towel can be helpful here.



Larger gaps may take a couple of passes with the sealant to completely fill.