Snickerdoodle Bread is pure Heavent

I love bread, whenever I come across a new recipe I try it right away! My husband asked me to make this snickerdoodle bread once, it was extraordinary!
Have You Ever Had Snickerdoodle Apple Bread Before? Now Is A Great Time!

Hold on to your hats, ladies and gentlemen, because what you’re about to see is the best thing that ever happened since sliced bread. My friend mentioned trying Snickerdoodle bread the other day. Mmm! The thought of all those beautiful flavors lingering in my kitchen was too much to handle, so I had to start baking right away. Good thing this recipe has the simplest of ingredients – and I was even able to get the apple straight from the tree in my backyard!

I love recipes like this. I’m not the type of woman who likes spending hours slaving away in the kitchen – not even if the result is something as delicious as this bread.

So I was very happy when I realized this was only going to take a few minutes of preparation, then a bit of mixing in the stand mixer, and then I could just sit back and wait for this goodness to bake in the oven. How easy is that? I’ll tell you how easy it is. It’s so easy that I’m planning on making this every week from now on!

To Make this Recipe You’Il Need the following ingredients:

2½ cups flour
2 tsp. baking powder
½ tsp. salt
2 tsp. cinnamon
1 cup butter softened
2 cups sugar
3 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
¾ cup sour cream
1 pkg. Hershey’s cinnamon chips
3 TB sugar
3 tsp. cinnamon.

Cream butter, sugar, salt and cinnamon until fluffy. Add eggs and mix well. Add vanilla and sour cream and mix well. Mix flour and baking powder in a separate bowl. Add to wet ingredients and mix until all combined. Add cinnamon chips and stir into batter. Set aside. Spoon batter into 4 mini loaf pans until about 2/3 full. Mix 3 T. sugar and 3 t. cinnamon in a bowl and sprinkle over the batter in each loaf pan. Bake at 350 for 35-38 minutes. Let cool before removing from pan