Strawberry Cheesecake Macarons

French Macarons come in a rainbow of colors and flavors. They are all made with two almond flavored meringue cookies sandwiched together with a filling. Typically you color the meringue cookies to match the flavor of the filling. Since we are making Strawberry Cheesecake Macarons, I like to color the meringue a deep shade of pink. The filling really does taste like Strawberry Cheesecake and the intense strawberry flavor and pretty pink color of the filling comes from finely ground freeze dried strawberries.

This Strawberry Cheesecake Filling is so good. The strawberry flavor comes from freeze dried strawberries which we process to a fine powder. I just love the concentrated flavor of freeze dried Strawberries and how they color the filling a pretty pink. The added bonus of using freeze dried strawberries is that, unlike a strawberry sauce or even a strawberry jam, it doesn’t make our filling soft. There are many brands of freeze dried strawberries and you should be able to find them in most grocery stores or on line. I used Trader Joe’s freeze dried strawberries.

for 16 macarons

3 egg whites, room temperature
¼ cup granulated sugar (50 g)
1 ¾ cups powdered sugar (210 g)
1 cup superfine almond flour (100 g)
3 drops red food coloring

8 oz cream cheese (225 g), softened
1 cup powdered sugar (120 g)
2 tablespoons milk
strawberry jam

In a medium bowl, beat the egg whites until frothy. Keep beating and slowly add the sugar until stiff peaks form.
Sift the powdered sugar and almond flour over the egg whites. Fold the dry mixture into the egg whites, giving the bowl a quarter turn every third fold. Once the batter reaches a lava-like consistency, transfer half to another bowl and add the food coloring. Mix until just combined. Do not overmix!
Working quickly, put the white and pink batters into separate small zip-top bags. Cut a corner off of each bag and squeeze the 2 batters evenly into a larger gallon-size bag or piping bag to create a multicolor effect.
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. (Tip: use a little batter to “glue” down the edges of the parchment paper so it stays put). In a circular motion, pipe 1½-inch (4-cm) dollops onto the baking sheet. Lift the baking sheet and gently tap on the counter to settle the batter. Let the cookies rest for 1 hour, until they are no longer wet to the touch and a skin forms on top.

Preheat the oven to 285ºF (140ºC).
Make the filling by mixing the cream cheese, powdered sugar, and milk in a medium bowl until smooth. Transfer to a piping bag and set aside until ready to fill the cookies.
When the cookies are dry to the touch, bake for 13-15 minutes, until they have risen. Let them cool for 10 minutes. To fill, pipe a circle of the cream cheese mixture around the edge of 1 cookie and place a small dollop of jam in the center. Sandwich with another cookie. Macarons are best kept refrigerated until serving.