The best Broccoli Salad

Everyone loves this easy Broccoli Salad recipe made with bacon, almonds, raisins or craisins and onion in a delicious creamy and tangy dressing. Serve it at a potluck or bbq or as a side dish for holiday dinner.

When I was growing up this Broccoli Salad made regular appearances at our dinner table all year round. It’s the perfect side dish for a summer bbq, potluck, or just for an easy week night meal, served with grilled chicken and cornbread. Trust me, I know all of the best side dishes to bring to a bbq, and this is at the top of my list!

My mom also made broccoli salad as a side dish for holidays like Easter and Thanksgiving, for family parties and other get togethers. I always looked forward to it and it was usually the first thing I ate on my plate.

So you heard here: your kids may just want to eat their broccoli first, if it’s in the form of this Broccoli Salad! This salad is a CROWD PLEASER!

The flavor combination is absolutely delicious: the crunch from the broccoli and almonds, paired with the bacon, onions and creamy dressing all work together perfectly.
How to make Broccoli Salad:

Chop the heads of broccoli, discarding the large stems so that just the florets remain. Cut the florets into bite-size pieces.

Two heads of broccoli will yield about 7 cups of florets.

Cook the bacon. Chop the onion and almonds. You can prepare all of these ingredients in advance to make the salad prep go faster. You also use a bag of pre-chopped broccoli florets.

This recipe is requested at every family gathering. Let it be your next dish that they crave! I like this dish to be prepared at least two hours before serving. Be sure to have copies of the recipe on hand, as everyone will ask for it!

8 cups chopped broccoli florets
1 cup raisins
8 slices bacon, fried crisp, drained and crumbled
1/2 cup red diced red onion
1/2 cup dry roasted sunflower seeds
1 cup chopped walnuts (or pecans)


1 cup Mayo

1/2 cup sugar

2 Tbsp. Apple Cider Vinegar

How to make it :

Combine broccoli, raisins, bacon, onion and sunflower seeds.

In a small container, mix mayo, sugar and vinegar.

Gently toss dressing into the salad mixture to thoroughly coat.

Cover and refrigerate for at least an hour.