The Best Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe

How to make the best chocolate chip cookies in the world. These are hands down the most perfect chocolate chip cookies!

vERRY eXXCELLENT cOOOKIE! I worked 10 years as a baker and the recipe we used at the bake shop was similar except this recipe didn’t call for any cream of tartar, so I added it to my version. I added 1/2 tspn. What it does is make the cookie crack better when baking which gives it a better appeal in appearance as appose to that smooth top looking cookie which I don’t like. It doesn’t do anything for flavor so if you don’t care about whether its smooth or cracked then don’t bother with the suggestion.

This is the BEST Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe and the only basic cookie recipe you need, seriously. This ONE cookie recipe makes tons of other recipes and is SO GOOD.

This is the best chocolate chip cookie recipe ever! No funny ingredients, no chilling time, etc. Just a simple, straightforward, amazingly delicious, doughy yet still fully cooked, chocolate chip cookie that turns out perfectly every single time!


1 cup brown sugar
1 cup sugar
½ cup butter
½ cup oil
2 eggs
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. vanilla
3 cups flour
2 cups milk chocolate chips.




Cream butter, oil and sugars. Add eggs and beat until fluffy.
Add remaining ingredients.
Bake at 350 for 7-8 minutes.