The Indulgent Food That Most Women Secretly Enjoy

This recipe is one of my husband’s absolute favorites and soon, you’ll know why.

When I was a young girl I had a sleepover party for my birthday. I think I was about 9 years old. Usually, for birthdays, mom would either make homemade pizza or order a few pies from the local pizzeria. That particular year she decided to make a couple of strombolis for my friends and I to enjoy. I’ll never forget how the good the house smelled while they were baking in the oven. And the taste….heavenly!


The next day, after everyone went home, my mom started getting phone calls from my friends’ mothers. They all wanted her stromboli recipe. I think my mom’s ego grew ten times that day. LOL! Anyway, thank you Barbara from the Bless Us O Lord food blog for this wonderful stromboli recipe. it’s just like my moms.

Is your mouth watering in anticipation? I bet you want this heavenly recipe, don’t you? Well, my friend, simply click on the next page link below and you’ll find yourself staring right at the ingredients and instructions in no time flat. Enjoy!

Recipe and image courtesy of Bless Us O Lord.



This stromboli is best served piping hot and fresh out of the oven.

Take a look at what my friend Barbara from the Bless Us O Lord food blog had to say about this magnificent recipe:

I’m fixing that today with the recipe for Pepperoni Stromboli and a Veggie Stromboli (down at the bottom) which I usually make for myself when I make pepperoni for the family. You can stuff a Stromboli with just about anything, however, and I have used sausage, peppers and mushrooms, and chicken and peppers for stuffing as well. But, really anything goes here — BBQ beef, taco meat, Mexican pork or chicken. It’s all good!

This is my husband’s all-time favorite thing to eat! That man could live on stromboli and never grow tired of it.

Ingredients :

1 pkg Red Star yeast
1 1/4 cups warm water
1 T. Domino sugar
1 T. Wesson vegetable oil
1 t. Morton salt
3 to 3 1/4 cups Gold Medal flour
2 -3 cloves garlic, crushed, or 1 t. minced garlic
8 oz. package pepperoni, quartered (just stack ’em and cut ’em)
6 oz. shredded Kraft mozzarella or pizza blend cheese

pizza sauce or marinara sauce (homemade or canned), heated to steaming

Instructions :

Combine water, yeast, and sugar.
Let sit for 5 minutes, until foamy.
Add 1 c. flour, oil and salt and mix with dough hook until dough forms
(or if mixing by hand, with a spoon).
Add remaining flour, 1/2 c. at a time,
kneading at low speed until a smooth elastic dough forms, about 5 minutes, in mixer
(or if kneading by hand, turn onto floured surface
and knead until smooth and elastic).
Place in a greased bowl, turning once.
Cover and let rise at least one hour, until doubled.
Punch down proceed with Stromboli.

With each piece, roll out a rectangle about 8 inches by 24 inches.
Dot with garlic (it doesn’t take much, so don’t be surprised by how little you have — see my picture?).
Place pepperoni down the center of the bread dough.
Top with shredded cheese.

Then, fold one side of the dough over the center and then the other side. Pinch to seal down the length of the dough.

Place, seam side down, in an almost circle, on a greased cookie sheet or pizza pan.
Make small slits in the top for the steam to escape. Let it sit on the stovetop while you heat the oven.

Bake at 425 degrees F for 15 to 20 minutes, until top is golden brown.
Let cool for a few minutes, cut in wedges and serve with hot sauce.

For a veggie version of the Stromboli, just use whatever veggies you like. I used about 1/2 an onion, sliced, half a bell pepper and half a red pepper, sliced, about 8 button mushrooms, cleaned and sliced, and two cloves garlic, crushed.

Heat a tablespoon of olive oil in a small saute pan.
Add onions and peppers and cook for 5 to 8 minutes, until peppers get a little bit soft.
Add mushrooms and garlic and cook until mushrooms are soft, but not really done.
Season with salt and pepper to taste, Cool for about 5 minutes and if there is any liquid in the pan, soak it up with a paper towel.
Then follow the directions for the Stromboli, placing your veggies down the center of the dough, top with cheese, folding, sealing and baking. Don’t forget to slit the top.