Cleaning the bathroom is a chore many people do not look forward to. Although everyone likes a clean bathroom, nobody really wants to do this job. This is exactly the reason why most people purchase expensive cleaning products. These products can work well but also contain chemical and toxic substances that can cause serious health issues.

This cleaning trick is 10 times more effective than chlorine. In this article, we explain how you can make a completely natural tile cleaner for your bathroom. Best of all? You only need three cheap and simple ingredients that everyone has in his kitchen. Another advantage of this tile cleaner is that it is very easy to make and use. But fortunately, there is a solution – a simple trick with which you can easily keep your bathroom clean!

You can read what you will need to clean your bathroom tiles on the next page. In addition, we exactly explain how you should proceed. This trick saves you a lot of money and time cleaning!

You need the following ingredients:

  • 8 tablespoons of baking soda
  • 4 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide (oxygen water)
  • 1 tablespoon of liquid detergent

All you have to do is mix these 3 products together and your detergent is ready. Apply the mixture to the tiles and joints that need to be cleaned. Leave it there for about 5 to 10 minutes, polish it with a scourer and rinse it with water.

The baking soda ensures that all the dirt is scrubbed from your tiles and joints. Hydrogen peroxide has a bleaching and cleansing effect. Because of this substance, the joints in your bathroom shine radiantly white again. The detergent provides a fresh scent and degreases it. And that for only a few euros! I will try this as soon as possible.
Do not forget to share this handy article with your friends on Facebook – I’m sure they will be grateful to you!

The bathroom is the least favorable place for cleaning. No one likes to do this job, but everybody likes their bathroom to be clean.

This is why women buy expensive (and toxic) cleaning products which do a good job.

However, they contain toxic materials which can cause serious health problems. So, is there any solution? The answer is yes – there is a simple trick that can keep your bathroom clean and is 10 times more effective than chlorine!

The cleaner contains only 2 natural ingredients which you probably have lying around in your kitchen – white vinegar and liquid soap. The remedy is simple to make if you follow these instructions:


1 cup of white vinegar
1 cup of liquid soap
1 cleaning cloth
1 spray bottle


Heat the vinegar for about 3 minutes, then pour it in the bottle. Next, add the liquid soap and shake the bottle, then spray the mixture on the surfaces you need to clean and wipe it off after a minute. Try the trick yourself and your bathroom will always be clean!